For Someone Who’s Been Injured In An Accident And Needs To File A Personal Injury Claim, But Maybe Is Not Comfortable Going Into A Hospital Right Now, Are There Other Ways To Get Medical Treatment Or Care And Evidence To Back Up Their Claim?
When someone is hurt and has a personal injury claim, the law requires them to prove their case. That means going to the doctor, getting treatment, and getting it documented. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to get killed by contracting a fatal disease in your attempt to filing a claim and getting treatment for injuries. During this extended period, we’ve had a number of clients who were going three times a week to the doctor and stopped for three months during the worst of it. There was a bit of a hold in their treatment. The insurance companies and their lawyers have claimed that they didn’t treat during that period and somehow tried to make that into a negative. However, we don’t accept that as a negative. The whole world knows what’s going on. I don’t think any insurance company or attorney representing an insurance company could really look me in the eye and tell me that they expected my client to keep going three times a week to sit in a crowded facility and keep getting treatments.
In the big picture, I don’t think that’s going to be a problem. The problem would be someone who just didn’t go at all, or someone who didn’t go more than the three months. There has to be a balance on both sides. I know people are afraid. I know people are concerned, but we’ve reached a point where there are medical facilities that provide treatment and are rigorous with not letting people in who don’t have masks on. They are being very careful in terms of the social distancing. That’s what people should look for. That way, they will feel better about getting care for the injuries they suffered in a personal injury claim. That will also help document their claim. At least at this point, there are ways to meet all of the objectives that need to be met.
Is There Anything Further To Touch On In Terms Of COVID Cases That’s Important For People To Know About?
As previously mentioned, everyone understands what’s happening with COVID. That’s made people more reluctant to interact with others and do things like going to the doctor for a treatment. On the other hand, it still doesn’t completely absolve plaintiffs of their requirement to prove their claim. It’s okay not to have gone during the worst of COVID. It might even be okay to do less than you were doing before that. If you don’t want to go three times a week and go less, that’s okay too. However, you still need to do some things to help substantiate your claim. At the end of the day, insurance companies are in business to make money. They’re not in business to help people. They do what they have to do. If you are not documenting your claim at all, you’re giving them a good excuse not to pay. You cannot count on just using the COVID excuse. To some degree, you have to do your part.
For more information on Personal Injury Claims During COVID In New York, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (845) 208-2444 today.
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